Let The BDMT @ Mortgage Architects Finance Your Real Estate Dreams! - Winnipeg - Finance, mortgage, insurance, Winnipeg - 1727039


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Let The BDMT @ Mortgage Architects Finance Your Real Estate Dreams! - Finance, mortgage, insurance

Ref. number: 1727039 Updated: 03-06-2014 01:53

Offering: Finance, mortgage, insurance in Canada, Winnipeg

The Bret Dobbin Mortgage Team, serving the Manitoba community as an integral part of the Canada-wide Mortgage Architects group of mortgage planning professionals, looks forward to creatively designing ideal mortgage structures for Canadians seeking to build their real estate portfolios with residential homes or commercial properties. With over a decade of service in the mortgage and financing industries, the BDMT is ready to serve you in the same professional manner that it has helped thousands of clients in the past. Serving a wide variety of clients, including Business-For-Self, Landlords, New-To-Canada, Credit-Challenged, New-Construction, Recently-Divorced, Tax-Liened, Wage-Garnisheed, who wish to either acquire or re-finance many types of properties including residential homes, single-family-homes, duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, apartment blocks, strip malls, office buildings, medical clinics, hotels, motels, and vacant land. Call 204-955-2507 or email Bret.Dobbin@MtgArc.ca or visit www.BDMT.ca or check out www.CanadianPropertyLoans.com or find us on LinkedIn.

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Contact information
First name: Bret
Last name: Dobbin
Phone number: 2049875620
Mobile number: 2049552507
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